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Land: Ægypten

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Schiødt, Sofie & Anne Grons
Two Medical Manuscripts
Serie: Carsten Niebuhr Institute Publications, vol. 48
Serie: The Carlsberg Papyri, vol. 18
indb, 2024, ISBN 978-87-635-4711-6
Kucharek, Andrea & Marc Coenen
The Lamentations of Isis and Nephthys
Serie: Carsten Niebuhr Institute Publications, vol. 46
Serie: The Carlsberg Papyri, vol. 16
indb, 2021, ISBN 978-87-635-4683-6
Sérida, Rana
A Castration Story from the Tebtunis Temple Library
Serie: Carsten Niebuhr Institute Publications, vol. 42
Serie: The Carlsberg Papyri, vol. 14
indb, 2016, ISBN 978-87-635-4432-0
Christiansen, Thomas & Kim Ryholt
Catalogue of Egyptian Funerary Papyri in Danish Collections
Serie: Carsten Niebuhr Institute Publications, vol. 41
Serie: The Carlsberg Papyri, vol. 13
indb, 2016, ISBN 978-87-635-4374-3
Nyord, Rune & Kim Ryholt (red.)
Lotus and Laurel
Serie: Carsten Niebuhr Institute Publications, vol. 39
indb, 2015, ISBN 978-87-635-4208-1
Ryholt, Kim
Narrative Literature from the Tebtunis Temple Library
Serie: Carsten Niebuhr Institute Publications, vol. 35
Serie: The Carlsberg Papyri, vol. 10
indb, 2013, ISBN 978-87-635-0780-6
IBA Hamburg (red.)
Metropole 6: Zivilgesellschaft / Metropolis 6: Civil Society
hft, 2012, ISBN 978-87-635-4083-4
Manniche, Lise
Lost Ramessid and Post-Ramessid Private Tombs in the Theban Necropolis
Serie: Carsten Niebuhr Institute Publications, vol. 33
indb, 2011, ISBN 978-87-635-0534-5
Nyord, Rune
Breathing Flesh
Serie: Carsten Niebuhr Institute Publications, vol. 37
hft, 2009, ISBN 978-87-635-2605-0
Frandsen, Paul John
Incestuous and Close-Kin Marriage in Ancient Egypt and Persia
Serie: Carsten Niebuhr Institute Publications, vol. 34
indb, 2009, ISBN 978-87-635-0778-3
von Lieven, Alexandra
Grundriss des Laufes der Sterne
Serie: Carsten Niebuhr Institute Publications, vol. 31
Serie: The Carlsberg Papyri, vol. 8
indb, 2007, ISBN 978-87-635-0406-5
Schentuleit, Maren
Aus der Buchhaltung des Weinmagazins im Edfu-Tempel
Serie: Carsten Niebuhr Institute Publications, vol. 32
Serie: The Carlsberg Papyri, vol. 9
indb, 2006, ISBN 978-87-635-0344-0
Ryholt, Kim (red.)
Hieratic Texts from the Collection
Serie: Carsten Niebuhr Institute Publications, vol. 30
Serie: The Carlsberg Papyri, vol. 7
indb, 2006, ISBN 978-87-635-0405-8
Serie: Selskabet til Historiske Kildeskrifters Oversættelse
hft, 2003, ISBN 978-87-7289-756-1
Ryholt, Kim (red.)
Acts of the Seventh International Conference of Demotic Studies, Copenhagen 23-27 August 1999
Serie: Carsten Niebuhr Institute Publications, vol. 27
indb, 2002, ISBN 978-87-7289-648-9
Smith, Mark
On the Primaeval Ocean
Serie: Carsten Niebuhr Institute Publications, vol. 26
Serie: The Carlsberg Papyri, vol. 5
indb, 2002, ISBN 978-87-7289-646-5
Frandsen, Paul John & Kim Ryholt (red.)
A Miscellany of Demotic Texts and Studies
Serie: Carsten Niebuhr Institute Publications, vol. 22
Serie: The Carlsberg Papyri, vol. 3
indb, 2000, ISBN 978-87-7289-547-5
Ryholt, Kim
The Story of Petese Son of Petetum and Seventy other Good and Bad Stories
Serie: Carsten Niebuhr Institute Publications, vol. 23
Serie: The Carlsberg Papyri, vol. 4
indb, 1999, ISBN 978-87-7289-527-7
Osing, Jürgen
Hieratische Papyri aus Tebtunis, I
Serie: Carsten Niebuhr Institute Publications, vol. 17
Serie: The Carlsberg Papyri, vol. 2
indb, 1998, ISBN 978-87-7289-280-1
Ryholt, Kim
The Political Situation in Egypt during the Second Intermediate Period c. 1800– 1550 B.C.
Serie: Carsten Niebuhr Institute Publications, vol. 20
indb, 1997, ISBN 978-87-7289-421-8
Bülow-Jacobsen, Adam
Mons Claudianus
Serie: Studier fra Sprog- og Oldtidsforskning, vol. 326
hft, 1996, ISBN 978-87-7289-354-9
Manniche, Lise
Wall Decoration of Three Theban Tombs
Serie: Carsten Niebuhr Institute Publications, vol. 4
indb, 1988, ISBN 978-87-7289-036-4
Alster, B. & Paul John Frandsen (red.)
Dagligliv blandt guder og mennesker
hft, 1986, ISBN 978-87-7289-019-7

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