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Scheer, Monique & Marie Sandberg
Ethnologia Europaea vol. 47:2

2017, 86 sider, hft.
ISBN 978-87-635-4611-9
Tidsskrift: Ethnologia Europaea
ISSN 0425-4597
Vejl. pris150 DKK  23 $  20 €  18 £
Onlinepris120 DKK  18 $  16 €  14 £

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This issue opens with an in-depth analysis by Antti Lindfors of the ways that satire is intertwined with moral understandings, bringing recent discussions from the anthropology of ethics as well as emotions to the stand-up comedian's stage in Finland and elsewhere. Ethical issues are also at stake in Britta Lundgrens's examination of how Swedish health-care providers involved in the threat of an epidemic as well as adverse side-effects of vaccinations face double-bind situations and deal with their own doubts. Then Niels Jul Nielsen and Janus Jul Olsen explain how the neoliberal transformations in Denmark's social welfare system have resulted from the loss of a perception of the working class as a potential threat to societal stability and peace. Anastasiya Astapova's article which provides the inspiration for this issue's cover art, looks at the folklore of Potemkinism in Belarus, local attitudes and narratives around the "façade" performance. And finally, Jernej Mlekuž explores the symbolic complexity and material significance of the burek in Solvenia, one of the country's most popular and yet disrespected foods.

Marie Sandberg (f. 1975), lektor ved Saxo-Instituttet - Arkæologi, Etnologi, Historie og Græsk og Latin, Københavns Universitet.

Also available as e-book

This issue opens with an in-depth analysis by Antti Lindfors of the ways that satire is intertwined with moral understandings, bringing recent discussions from the anthropology of ethics as well as emotions to the stand-up comedian's stage in Finland and elsewhere. Ethical issues are also at stake in Britta Lundgrens's examination of how Swedish health-care providers involved in the threat of an epidemic as well as adverse side-effects of vaccinations face double-bind situations and deal with their own doubts. Then Niels Jul Nielsen and Janus Jul Olsen explain how the neoliberal transformations in Denmark's social welfare system have resulted from the loss of a perception of the working class as a potential threat to societal stability and peace. Anastasiya Astapova's article which provides the inspiration for this issue's cover art, looks at the folklore of Potemkinism in Belarus, local attitudes and narratives around the "façade" performance. And finally, Jernej Mlekuž explores the symbolic complexity and material significance of the burek in Solvenia, one of the country's most popular and yet disrespected foods.

Emneområde | Antropologi og etnologi |
Specifikt emneord | Satire |
Sprog | Engelsk |


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