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The theme of Northern Lights vol. 4 is European film and media culture.
The contributors examine this area from both historical and contemporary perspectives. The book deals with media politics, media technology and the cultural and aesthetics dimensions of European film and television.
Through a number of case studies we are invited into the different media cultures of Europe: Turkey, East Central Europe, Germany, England, Netherland and Denmark. The articles also analyze relations between European and American media culture. Furthermore the yearbook deals with most of the important genres in the European film and TV-culture.
The theme of Northern Lights vol. 4 is European film and media culture.
The contributors examine this area from both historical and contemporary perspectives. The book deals with media politics, media technology and the cultural and aesthetics dimensions of European film and television.
Through a number of case studies we are invited into the different media cultures of Europe: Turkey, East Central Europe, Germany, England, Netherland and Denmark. The articles also analyze relations between European and American media culture. Furthermore the yearbook deals with most of the important genres in the European film and TV-culture.
Indlæg offentliggøres med navn og e-mail. Forlaget forbeholder sig ret til at redigere og udelade indlæg.Kunder, som har købt denne titel, købte også