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Jerslev, Anne
Northern Lights vol. 1.Realism and Reality in Film and Media
2002, 275 sider, hft. ISBN 978-87-7289-716-5
Tidsskrift: Northern Lights
ISSN 1601-829X
Vejl. pris198 DKK 30 $ 27 € 24 £
Onlinepris158 DKK 24 $ 21 € 19 £
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The 2002 theme of Northern Lights is dedicated to the representation of reality in film, TV and new media – a question of new importance in modern film and media, where a new wave of realism has dominated cinema and reality-TV became a mass phenomena on both TV and the internet.
11 articles by Danish, British, and American film and media researchers focus on two sub-themes: "Film and Realism" deals theoretically with film realism and analyses classic films and modern Danish Dogma films; "Documentary Forms, Reality TV and New Media" treats new forms of non-fiction film, TV and on the internet in a both theoretical and historical perspective.
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