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Louis-Jensen, Jonna
Trójumanna saga
1963, XLII + 257 sider 2 plancher
ISBN 978-87-635-3350-8
Editiones Arnamagnæanæ, Series A, vol. 8
ISSN 0070-9069
Vejl. pris190 DKK 29 $ 26 € 23 £
Onlinepris152 DKK 23 $ 20 € 18 £
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I kommission for
Den Arnamagnæanske Kommission
The Arnamagnean Commission have begun the publication under the title Editiones Arnamagnæanæ of a series of critical editions of texts based on the manuscripts. The works are to be divided according to size between Series A in larger, and Series B in smaller format. Trójumanna saga, edited by stud. mag. Jonna Louis-Jensen, is now issued as the eighth volume of Series A.
The medieval Icelandie Trójumanna saga is preserved in several texts but it has hitherto only been printed from the Hauksbók version, which is much shorter than the others. This means that investigations of the saga have up to now not been based on a sufficient foundation. The aim of the present edition is to provide the necessary basis for subsequent examinations of the relationship between the different redactions of the saga, a problem that is closely tied up with that of the relationship af the saga to its sources. These are first and foremost Dares Phrygius' De Excidio Troiae and the so-called Latin Homer; in addition, among other works, Vergil's Aeneid and Ovid's Heroides and Metamorphoses.
Alle udgivelser af
Jonna Louis-Jensen som udgiver
Islandsk hornskurd 2000, ISBN 978-87-635-3255-6, hft
Jonna Louis-Jensen som redaktør
Trójumanna saga 1981, ISBN 978-87-635-3349-2, hft
King Arthur 1981, ISBN 978-87-635-3358-4, hft
Opuscula 1985, ISBN 978-87-635-3356-0, hft
Jonna Louis-Jensen som forfatter
Kongesagastudier 1977, ISBN 978-87-635-3377-5, hft
Opuscula 1979, ISBN 978-87-635-3376-8, hft
Opuscula 2010, ISBN 978-87-635-3666-0, hft
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