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The fragmentary medieval chronicle, Historia Norwegie, is the oldest piece of historical writing from Norway, and probably our first specimen of Norwegian literature. It was composed in Latin in the second half of the twelfth century, perhaps in the Oslo area. Only the beginning of the work exists today, but it offers, among other things, a detailed report of a shamanic séance among the Sami as well as a unique early geographical description of Norway and the North Sea realm. Furthermore, we are presented with an early version of the Norwegian kings' genealogy, beginning with the mythical Yngling kings and ending, abruptly, with Olav Haraldsson's claim to the throne in 1015.
This is the first critical edition of the Latin text since 1880, accompanied by a modern English translation by Peter Fisher. The introduction and full commentary in English take stock of previous scholarships and are new contributions to the interpretation of the text.
Peter Fisher er professor emeritus fra Anglia Polytechnic University i Cambridge. Han har bl.a. udgivet oversættelser af Saxos _Gesta Danorum_ og Olaus Magnus’ _Historia de genitbus septentrionalibus_.
Inger Ekrem (1938-2000) var seniorforsker ved Universitetet i Oslos Institut for Klassiske Studier. Hendes primære forskningsområde var norsk latinlitteratur fra det 16. og 17. århundrede.
Lars Boje Mortensen (f. 1958) har siden 2003 været ansat som professor ved Institut for Historie, Kultur og Samfundsbeskrivelse ved Syddansk Universitet i Odense. Indtil 2011 var han desuden professor i middelalderlitteratur ved Center for Middelalderstudier ved Universitetet i Bergen. Han har udgivet bøger og artikler om middelalderens historiografi, lærdomshistorie, teksthistorie og andre emner inden for middelalder- og renæssancelitteratur.
Lars Boje Mortensen som redaktør
Historia Norwegie 2003, ISBN 978-87-7289-813-1, indb
Olavslegenden og den latinske historieskrivning i 1100-tallets Norge 2000, ISBN 978-87-7289-616-8, hft
Parthenope 2004, ISBN 978-87-7289-907-7, indb
The Making of Christian Myths in the Periphery of Latin Christendom (ca 1000-1300) 2006, ISBN 978-87-635-0407-2, indb
Medieval Narratives between History and Fiction 2012, ISBN 978-87-635-3809-1, indb
Lars Boje Mortensen som forfatter
Civiliserede barbarer 1991, ISBN 978-87-7289-126-2, hft
Civiliserede barbarer 2014, ISBN 978-87-635-4040-7, e-publikation
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