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Fellows-Jensen, Gillian & Peter Springborg
Care and Conservation of Manuscripts 5
Proceedings of the fifth international seminar held at the University of Copenhagen 19th-20th April 1999

2000, 168 sider
ISBN 978-87-7023-076-6
Serie: Care and conservation of manuscripts, vol. 5
ISSN 1602-1339

Vejl. pris175 DKK  27 $  24 €  21 £
Onlinepris140 DKK  21 $  19 €  17 £

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Gillian Fellows-Jensen (f. 1936), er lektor ved Afdeling for Navneforskning, Københavns Universitet

Peter Springborg er tidligere direktør for Den Arnamægneanske Samling ved Københavns Universitet.

Emneområde | Bog- og bibliotekshistorie |
Emneord | Bogkonservation |
Specifikt emneord | Arnamagnæansk Institut | Bogbinding | Bogproduktion |
Periode | 17. årh. | Middelalder |
Sprog | Engelsk |


Pressen skrev

Alle udgivelser af

Gillian Fellows-Jensen som redaktør

Care and conservation of manuscripts 6
2002, ISBN 978-87-7289-779-0, hft
Care and Conservation of Manuscripts 4
1999, ISBN 978-87-7023-075-9, hft
Care and conservation of manuscripts
1995, ISBN 978-87-7023-072-8, hft
Care and conservation of manuscripts 2
1996, ISBN 978-87-7023-073-5, hft
Care and Conservation of manuscripts 3
1997, ISBN 978-87-7023-074-2, hft
Care and conservation of manuscripts 7
2003, ISBN 978-87-7289-913-8, hft
Care and conservation of manuscripts 8
2005, ISBN 978-87-635-0257-3, hft
Runes and their Secrets
2006, ISBN 978-87-635-0428-7, indb
Care and conservation of manuscripts 9
2006, ISBN 978-87-635-0554-3, hft
Runes and Their Secrets
2006, ISBN 978-87-635-0627-4, e-publikation
Care and conservation of manuscripts 10
2008, ISBN 978-87-635-0794-3, hft

Gillian Fellows-Jensen som forfatter

Scandinavian Settlement Names in the North-West
1985, ISBN 978-87-635-3585-4, hft
Mange bække små
1986, ISBN 978-87-635-3615-8, hft

Peter Springborg som redaktør

Care and conservation of manuscripts 6
2002, ISBN 978-87-7289-779-0, hft
Care and Conservation of Manuscripts 4
1999, ISBN 978-87-7023-075-9, hft
Care and conservation of manuscripts
1995, ISBN 978-87-7023-072-8, hft
Care and conservation of manuscripts 2
1996, ISBN 978-87-7023-073-5, hft
Care and Conservation of manuscripts 3
1997, ISBN 978-87-7023-074-2, hft
Care and conservation of manuscripts 7
2003, ISBN 978-87-7289-913-8, hft
Care and conservation of manuscripts 8
2005, ISBN 978-87-635-0257-3, hft
Care and conservation of manuscripts 9
2006, ISBN 978-87-635-0554-3, hft
Care and conservation of manuscripts 10
2008, ISBN 978-87-635-0794-3, hft
King Arthur
1981, ISBN 978-87-635-3358-4, hft
1991, ISBN 978-87-635-3355-3, hft
1985, ISBN 978-87-635-3356-0, hft

Peter Springborg som udgiver

1979, ISBN 978-87-635-3376-8, hft

Peter Springborg som forfatter

Nyt og gammelt fra Peter Springborg
2018, ISBN 978-87-635-4615-7, indb

Indlæg offentliggøres med navn og e-mail. Forlaget forbeholder sig ret til at redigere og udelade indlæg.
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