Born 16 September 1947.
BA in Classical Archaeology, University of Copenhagen, 1972. in Classical Archaeology, University of Copenhagen, 1978.
Positions held
Positions at the National Museum of Denmark
- 2014–2017Head of Research and Collections, Ancient Cultures of Denmark and the Mediterranean.
- 2005–2009Chief curator, Education and Public Programmes.
- 1996–2013Chief curator, Collection of Classical and Near Eastern Antiquities.
- 1989–1995Curator, Collection of Classical and Near Eastern Antiquities.
- 1983–1988Curator, Exhibitions and Public Programmes, periodically head of department.
- 1981–1982Acting curator, Exhibitions and Public Programmes.
Professional posts
- 2016Member of Projektbeirat for Corpus Vasorum Antiquorum, Germany, appointed by Bayrische Akademie der Wissenchaften, München.
- 2014–2017Member of the Archaeological advisory board to the Danish Agency for Culture.
- 2010–2014Chairman of the panel of external examiners for Classical Archaeology at the universities of Copenhagen and Aarhus.
- 2007–Chairman of the Danish National Commitee for Corpus Vasorum Antiquorum, The Royal Danish Academy of Sciences and Letters.
- 2005–2012Member of the advisory board to the Ministry of Culture for museum security (National Indemnity).
- 2003; 1998Member of assessment boards for positions of senior researchers at the National Museum.
- 1997–2018Co-advisor for PhD students in collaboration with the universities of Copenhagen and Aarhus.
- 1996–2010Member of the board of the Danish Academy in Rome. (Appointed by the Ministry of Culture).
- 1988–1998External examiner for Communication Studies at University of Roskilde.
- 1985–1988Member of the board of directors at the National Museum.
- 1984–1988Member of the Council of Museums in Copenhagen and Frederiksberg.
Management of major projects at the National Museum
- 2008–2014Research project: Pots, Potters and Society in Ancient Greece funded by the Foundation of Consul General Gösta Enbom.
- 1994–2005Installation of new permanent galleries: Greece, Rome and Egypt, Cyprus, and the Ancient Near East.
Curatory work
Temporary exhibitions
- 2004Faster, higher, stronger, The Olympic Games in 3000 Years. 2004.
- 1997Nimrud and Nineveh. Assyrian Treasures in the British Museum. Collaboration with the British Museum.
- 1995Faraonic Textiles. Fashion in Ancient Egypt. Collaborat. with Rijksmuseum in Leiden and Kestner Museum in Hannover.
- 1994The Greeks of the North and Alexander the Great. Collaboration with the Greek Ministry of Culture.
- 1992Odysseus and the Trojan War.
- 1989Hama. En oldtidsby i Syrien, Moesgaard Museum, Aarhus.
Temporary exhibitions at The National Museum at Brede, Kgs. Lyngby
- 1988På Herrens Mark. Collaboration with Danish Agriculture and Food Council
- 1987Tag over hovedet. Collaboration with the Danish National UNESCO Committee and Ministry of Housing.
- 1986Brazil 86. Collaboration with Mellemfolkeligt Samvirke.
- 1985Det er Danmark. 100 years anniversary of Dansk Folkemuseum.
- 1984Drømmen om Amerika. Collaboration with Moesgård Museum, Aarhus.
- 1983Japan.
- 1982Etruskernes Verden. Livet og døden os et oldtidsfolk i Italien. Collaboration with Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek og Thorvaldsens Museum.
Research interests
Classical archaeology in general, in particular:
Early Cycladic Bronze Age, Greece.
Greek pottery, Geometric-Classical periods.
Greek jewellery, Geometric-Hellenistic periods.
History of Collecting, Collections and Museums.
Research trips, excavations, etc.
- 2005Two months’ study period at the British Museum, London.
- 1995Survey at an early Bronze Age site on the Cycladic island of Amorgos. In collaboration with Professor Lila Marangou, Ioannina University.
- 1983Guest scholar, The J. Paul Getty Museum, Malibu, California.
- 1979Study grant from the Carlsberg Foundation (Halikarnassos expedition).
- 1974Study tour to 44 museums of archaeology and art in USA. By invitation from the US Institute of Education, Washington.
- 1972–1973Member of the Danish Archaeological Expedition to Halikarnassos (Three campaigns).
- 1971–1972Grant from Queen Ingrid’s Foundation for a four month’s stay at the Danish Academy in Rome.
- 1971Excavation of the Etruscan town, Aqua Rossa. The Swedish Institute in Rome.
Editing and publishing
Editorial work
- 2015The Past in the Present, Copenhagen.
- 2015Fortiden i nutiden, Copenhagen.
- 2012Europe meets the World, Exhibition catalogue. Rasmussen, B. B. et al. (eds). Copenhagen.
- 2008General editor of Gösta Enbom Monographs Vols. 1–6 (2008–2018). Aarhus.
- 2012Red-figure Pottery in its Ancient Setting. Gösta Enbom Monographs Vol.2, Aarhus. (With S. Schierup).
- 2008Peter Oluf Brøndsted. A Danish Classicist in his European Context, Historisk-filosofiske Skrifter 31,The Royal Danish Academy of Sciences and Letters, Copenhagen. (With J.S. Jensen, J. Lund & M. Märcher).
- 2002Pots for the Living – Pots for the Dead, Danish Studies in Classical Archaeology, Acta Hyberborea 9, Copenhagen. (With A. Rathje & M. Nielsen).
- 1999Christian VIII. Antikker – Mønter – Medailler. Copenhagen. (With J.S. Jensen & J. Lund).
- 2000Christian VIII and the National Museum. Antiquities, Coins, Medals. Copenhagen. (With J.S. Jensen & J. Lund).
- 1983–Editor in chief of the Quarterly of the National Museum NYT/ NEWS. (1983–1992 & 2004–2008).
- 1981–Editor of a number of anthologies, exhibition catalogues and magazines (1981–2017).
Selected publications
- 2018. “Helvig Kinch. A Danish Painter and Member of the Danish Expedition to Rhodes”. In: Schierup, S. (ed.) Documenting Ancient Rhodes. Archaeological Expeditions and Rhodian Antiquities. Acts of the International Colloquium held at the National Museum of Denmark, February 16–17, 2017. Aarhus, 177–200.
- 2015. “A Cautionary Tale. A Greek Amphora in the Royal Vase Cabinet in Copenhagen”. In: Rasmussen, B. B. (ed.), The Past in the Present, Copenhagen, 145–164.
- and D. Williams 2015. “A Funerary Plaque from Athens”. In: Rasmussen, B. B. (ed.) The Past in the Present, Copenhagen, 119–139.
- and J. Lund 2014. “Fouilles et explorations danoises à Rhodes”. In: Rhodes, une île grecque aux portes de l’orient, XVe–Ve siècle avant J.-C., Paris, 42–50.
- 2014. “The Royal Vase Cabinet in Copenhagen. Its Creation, Early Inventories and Publications”. In: Schmidt, S. & Steinhart, M. (Hersg.), Sammeln und Erforschen – Griechische Vasen in neuzeitlichen Sammlungen. Beiheft zum Corpus Vasorum Antiquorum, Band VI. München, 83–93.
- and S. Schierup 2012. “Introduction”. In: Schierup, S. & Rasmussen, B. B. (eds.) Red-figure Pottery in its Ancient Setting, Gösta Enbom Monographs 2, Aarhus, 7–11.
- 2012. “Un récit édifiant. Une amphore grècque dans le Cabinet des céramiques royales à Copenhague”. In Bourgeois, B. & Denoyelle, M. (eds.) L’Europe du vase antique. Collectioneurs, savants, restaurateurs aux XVIIIe et XIXe siècles. Art et societé, Presses universitaires de Rennes, 237–251.
- 2012. “No Man Wiser”; “Cradle of Democracy”; “As long a you live, Shine”; “In honour of the Emperor”. In: Europe Meets the World. Exhibition catalogue. Copenhagen, 34–39; 40–47; 62–65; 68–75.
- 2010. Catalogue entries. In: The Art of the Greek Theater. Hart, M.. (ed..). Los Angeles. Cat.nos. 13, 20, 70, 71, 90.
- 2010. “Fra fabrik til museumseksperiment. Et blik på Brede-udstillingernes historie”. In: Fabrikken i Brede. Krudtværk og kobberværk – industripark og nationalmuseum. Tønsberg, J. (ed.). Lyngby, 103–138.
- 2008. “Special Vases in Etruria: First- or Secondhand?” In Lapatin, K. (ed.), Papers on Special Techniques in Athenian Vases. Proceedings of a symposium held in connection with the exhibition “Colors of Clay. Special Techniques in Athenian Vases” at the Getty Villa, Malibu June 15–17, 2006. Los Angeles, 215–225.
- 2006. “A gold diadem – presentation and interpretation”. In: Les Ors des Mondes Grèc et “Barbare”. Actes du colloque de la Sociéte d‘Archéologie Classique du 18 novembre 2000, Nicolini, G. (ed). Paris, 165–173.
- 2003. “The Soldiers of the Roman Empire and the Roman Army”. In: Jørgensen, L. et al. (eds.), The Spoils of Victory. The North in the Shadow of the Roman Empire, Copenhagen, 166–171.
- and J. Lund 2002. “On the creation of the Collection of Classical Antiquities in the Danish National Museum”. Pharos, Journal of the Netherlands Institute in Athens 10. Athens, 169–178.
- 2001. “The Cypriote Collection in the National Museum”. In: Cypriote Antiquities in Copenhagen (Karageorghis (ed.), Nicosia, xx-xx
- 2001. “Metalwork. Early, Middle and Late Cypriote Periods”. In: Cypriote Antiquities in Copenhagen (Karageorghis (ed.), Nicosia.
- 2000. Catalogue entry. In: Rimini divina. Religioni e devozione nell’evo antico, Rimini, 73. nos.
- 2000. “P. O. Brøndsted - 'den lille professor Worm', arkæolog og antikvar”. In: København-Athen. Tur/retur. Grækenland og Danmark i 1800–tallet. Meddelelser fra Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek, ny serie, nr. 2. Copenhagen, 87–96.
- 2000. Catalogue entries. In: Principi etruschi tra Mediterraneo ed Europa, Bologna 73.
- 2000. “A Danish Prince in Naples”. In: Rasmussen, B. B. et al. (eds.) Christian VIII and the National Museum. Antiquities, Coins, Medals. Copenhagen, 11–44.
- 2000. Catalogue entries. In: The Etruscans Torelli, M. (ed.). Palazzo Grassi. Venice. 135,1–7 and 778.
- 2000. “Twelve Roman Caesars en Médaillons”. In: Between Orient and Occident. Studies in Honour of P. J. Riis. Lund. J. & Pentz, P. (eds.). Copenhagen, 141–158.
- 2000. “Catalogue raisonné of finds from the cavity in the tomb chamber and from the tomb-robber's mine”. In: Jeppesen, K., The Maussolleion at Halikarnassos, vol. 4. The Quadrangle. Aarhus, 119–140.
- 1999. Catalogue entries. In: Mythen, Mensen en Muziek, Allard Pierson Museum, Amsterdam. Cat. nos. 48, 71, 78, 96, 121.
- 1998. “Gold Ornaments from the Mausoleum in Halikarnassos”. In: The Greek Goldsmith. Colloquium papers London.
- 1998. “Guldsmykker og smykkekunst I Pompeji”. In: Guld og smykker fra Pompeji, Jenvold, B. (ed.). Museet på Koldinghus, Kolding, 14–25.
- , D. Tamm et al. 1996. “Antikformidlingen i Danmark. En beskrivelse og vurdering”. Copenhagen.
- 1996. “Drager i græsk mytologi”. In: Østens og Vestens Drager”, Jenvold, B. (ed.). Museet på Koldinghus, Kolding, 32–43.
- 1994. Grækere, etruskere, romere. Vejledning til Antiksamlingen, Nationalmuseet. Copenhagen.
- and J. Lund 1994. Greeks, Etruscans, Romans. Guide to the Collection of Classical Antiquities. Copenhagen.
- 1991. “Laconian Pottery in the National Museum”.
- 1982. “Talte etruskerne ægyptisk, keltisk eller finsk?” In: Etruskernes Verden. Livet og døden hos et oldtidsfolk i Italien. Copenhagen, 27–29.
- 1978. “En aleksandrinsk bronzestatuette i Glyptoteket”. Meddelelser fra Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek, Copenhagen, 82–91. (Translation of Moreno, P., “An Alexandrine bronze statuette and Lysippos’ Heracles in Tarentum”).
Publications for Higher Education
- and G. Haastrup 1995. Hellas. Myte, tanke og tale. Copenhagen.
- And J. Bender 1981. Oldtidens Grækenland. Græske Billeder. Copenhagen.
- 1979. Arbejde og produktion i oldtidens Athen belyst med vasebilleder. Copenhagen.
Publications for Children
- 1995. Skulptur, en rejse i form og udtryk. Copenhagen. (Translation of Heslewood, J. , The History of Western Sculpture. London 1994).
- 1993. “På sportspladsen”, “En helt og en vandkrukke”. In: Besøg historien. Børn og Forældre. Copenhagen, 44–49.
Papers in the Annual of the National Museum of Denmark (Nationalmuseets Arbejdsmark) with summaries in English
- 2007. “Fra danske Bondestuer til Kanibalernes Offerpladser. Strejftog gennem 200 års udstillinger på Nationalmuseet”.
- , T. Bagh, A.H. Hansen, J. Lund, S. Schierup and T. Wismann 2007. “Nationalmuseet og de danske arkæologiske ekspeditioner til Middelhavslandene”.
- 2006. “De herlige græske Vaser. P. O. Brøndsted og Christian VIII’s VaseKabinet”.
- 2002. “Lykkebringende klokker. Et romersk tintinnabulum i Antiksamlingen”.
- 1999. “På vagt ved Romerrigets grænse. Den romerske legionær i Antiksamlingen”.
- 1997. “Haner og hanekamp i Athen”.
- 1995. “En rejse omkring Middelhavet. Den ny Antiksamling på Nationalmuseet”.
- 1991. “Heliadernes tårer. Om østersørav i Italien.
- 1989. “Et råt barbarisk Idol. Om græske marmorskulpturer fra 3.årtusind f. Kr.”
- and L. Haastrup 1989. “Med hilsen fra Brede. Status over 20 udstillinger med 2.584.405 besøgende”.