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Lock, Charles
Angles on the English-Speaking World vol. 8.
Cultures of Childhood: Literary and historical studies in memory of Julia Briggs

2008, 132 sider, hft.
ISBN 978-87-635-2522-0
Tidsskrift: Angles on the English-Speaking World
Vejl. pris135 DKK  21 $  18 €  16 £
Onlinepris108 DKK  17 $  15 €  13 £

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Volume 8, edited by Charles Lock, takes the form of a tribute to Julia Briggs (1943-2007), a renowned scholar of children’s literature and women’s writing. The essays in Cultures of Childhood revolve around the themes of literature for children and the literary representation of childhood.

The volume offers extensive coverage of the topic and contains nine scholarly articles, all contributed by teachers in English studies at the universities of Lund and Copenhagen; the topics range from the novels of Henry Fielding and the poems of William Blake to Rudyard Kipling’s Mowgli stories and contemporary children’s literature. In the centre are essays on children in Jane Austen, the Brontës and Georg Eliot.

The reviews section includes reviews of three academic monographs that began as doctoral dissertations at the University of Copenhagen. Special tribute is paid to Line Henriksen, recipient of the Anna Balakian Prize for 2008, awarded by the International Comparative Literature Association to the best work in comparative literature by any scholar under forty; the prize was awarded for her monograph Ambition and Anxiety (Rodopi, 2006), on Ezra Pound and Derek Walcott: this is the subject of an extensive review-essay here by Gordon Teskey of Harvard University.

Contributors: Jill Archer, Birgitta Berglund, Inger K. Brøgger, Ian Duncan, Sara Håkansson, Charles Lock, Charles Mahoney, C.S. Matheson, Luca Pocci, Jens Rahbek Rasmussen, Robert Rix, Gordon Teskey, Marianne Thormählen and Marie Wallin.

Editorial Board: Dorte Albrechtsen, Russell Duncan, Lene Østermark-Johansen
Volume 8, edited by Charles Lock, takes the form of a tribute to Julia Briggs (1943-2007), a renowned scholar of children’s literature and women’s writing. The essays in Cultures of Childhood revolve around the themes of literature for children and the literary representation of childhood.

The volume offers extensive coverage of the topic and contains nine scholarly articles, all contributed by teachers in English studies at the universities of Lund and Copenhagen; the topics range from the novels of Henry Fielding and the poems of William Blake to Rudyard Kipling’s Mowgli stories and contemporary children’s literature. In the centre are essays on children in Jane Austen, the Brontës and Georg Eliot.

The reviews section includes reviews of three academic monographs that began as doctoral dissertations at the University of Copenhagen. Special tribute is paid to Line Henriksen, recipient of the Anna Balakian Prize for 2008, awarded by the International Comparative Literature Association to the best work in comparative literature by any scholar under forty; the prize was awarded for her monograph Ambition and Anxiety (Rodopi, 2006), on Ezra Pound and Derek Walcott: this is the subject of an extensive review-essay here by Gordon Teskey of Harvard University.

Contributors: Jill Archer, Birgitta Berglund, Inger K. Brøgger, Ian Duncan, Sara Håkansson, Charles Lock, Charles Mahoney, C.S. Matheson, Luca Pocci, Jens Rahbek Rasmussen, Robert Rix, Gordon Teskey, Marianne Thormählen and Marie Wallin.

Editorial Board: Dorte Albrechtsen, Russell Duncan, Lene Østermark-Johansen

Emneområde | Litteraturvidenskab |
Emneord | Poesi | Roman |
Specifikt emneord | Barndom | Børne- og ungdomslitteratur |
Land | England | USA |
Sprog | Engelsk |


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