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IBA Hamburg
Metropole: Ressourcen/ Metropolis: Resources vol. 2
2009, 256 sider Rigt illustreret I kommission for Jovis Verlag
ISBN 978-87-635-2802-3
Vejl. pris260 DKK 40 $ 35 € 31 £
Onlinepris208 DKK 32 $ 28 € 25 £
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▼ Din mening
I kommission for
Jovis Verlag
Half of mankind lives in cities—and the tendency is on the increase. These
people use the greater part of our energy and yet also produce the most
pollutants—with far-reaching consequences for the world climate. The other
way around, climate change has an impact on urban life, influencing living
conditions in the city. These tremendous changes herald the departure into
a new age.
The Internationale Bauausstellung (International Building Exhibition) IBA
Hamburg focuses on this theme, taking a detailed look at “The City in
Climate Change”. Volume 2 of the series Metropolis: illuminates causes and
examines previous efforts in architecture, town planning and urban
development planning with the intention of reflecting on strategies and
visions for a new, appropriate form of urban living.
Alle udgivelser af
IBA Hamburg som redaktør
Metropole: Reflexionen/ Metropolis: Reflections vol. 1 2008, ISBN 978-87-635-0891-9, hft
Metropole: Bilden / Metropolis: Education 2009, ISBN 978-87-635-3274-7, hft
Metropole: Metrozonen / Metropolis: Metrozones 2010, ISBN 978-87-635-3577-9, hft
IBA Hamburg som udgiver
IBA Hamburg 2010, ISBN 978-87-635-3578-6, hft
Wasseratlas 2008, ISBN 978-87-635-3082-8, hft
Energy Atlas 2010, ISBN 978-87-635-3678-3, hft
Metropolis 5: Cosmopolis 2011, ISBN 978-87-635-3922-7, hft
Metropole 6: Zivilgesellschaft / Metropolis 6: Civil Society 2012, ISBN 978-87-635-4083-4, hft
Metropolis 7 2013, ISBN 978-87-635-3314-0, hft
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