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Jaeger, Falk
The Head of the Architect
Drawings and Architecture by Sergei Tchoban
2005, 192 sider 134 farve og 26 s/h illustrationer I kommission for Jovis Verlag, Berlin
ISBN 978-87-635-0483-6
Vejl. pris450 DKK 69 $ 61 € 54 £
Onlinepris360 DKK 55 $ 49 € 43 £
Black December-pris225 DKK 34 $ 30 € 27 £
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▼ Din mening
I kommission for
Jovis Verlag
New visions and ideas are always taking shape in the head of the architect, Sergei Tchoban. He reaches for a pencil or an ink brush, allowing us to participate in the creative process. His veduta are not merely created for their own sake, but rather serve, too, as spatial innovations for real buildings. Trained in the Classicism of his native city of St. Petersburg, the architect builds in a frank, modern style, whilst still enjoying the study of architectural ideas from previous centuries. This book follows Tchoban’s trains of thought from the rivers Neva to Spree, using illustrations of his pictures and buildings, which were created in the studio of nps tchoban voss. The book shows how timeless principles for designing architectural space can flow from architectural history into contemporary architecture.
Alle udgivelser af
Falk Jaeger som forfatter
Schweger assoziierte Architekten 2005, ISBN 978-87-635-0429-4, indb
Behnisch Architekten 2009, ISBN 978-87-635-3075-0, hft
WGV Stuttgart 2008, ISBN 978-87-635-3149-8, indb
UNStudio 2009, ISBN 978-87-635-3081-1, hft
Wingårdhs 2010, ISBN 978-87-635-3311-9, hft
Falk Jaeger som redaktør
3 Stadia 2010 2010, ISBN 978-87-635-3579-3, indb
Wulf & Partner 2007, ISBN 978-87-635-0892-6, hft
CBA Christian Bauer 2010, ISBN 978-87-635-3643-1, hft
Auer+Weber+Assoziierte 2010, ISBN 978-87-635-3677-6, hft
Alexander Brenner 2013, ISBN 978-87-635-4182-4, indb
Building the Court 2014, ISBN 978-87-635-4310-1, indb
Norihiko Dan and Associates 2015, ISBN 978-87-635-4368-2, hft
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