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Arnold, Thomas, Paul Grundei, Claire Karsenty & Elke Knoess (red.)
Architektur Rausch
Eine Position zum Entwerfen / A Position on Architectural Design
2005, 304 sider Rigt illustreret I kommission for Jovis Verlag, Berlin
ISBN 978-87-635-0472-0
Vejl. pris235 DKK 36 $ 32 € 28 £
Onlinepris188 DKK 29 $ 25 € 23 £
Black December-pris117 DKK 18 $ 16 € 14 £
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▼ Din mening
I kommission for
Jovis Verlag
The architect´s profession is changing decisively. In parallel the needed
abilities are changing, too: The architect today is dealing with the important
transformations of our environment, both spacial and social,
between the poles of production and information, regionalisation and
globalisation, as well as the real and virtual world. Architects with ideas
for these challenges are in demand. Their ability is needed to group the
most diverse influences into clear concepts and to create spaces, which
are as exciting as they are functional.
But how can education live up to these tasks? The book tries to find
answers. The contributions combine sensuousness and rationality and,
in networking with other areas of knowledge, they question the boundaries
of the profession´s image. In this way, Architektur Rausch devises
a discursive, diverse and equally open and precise approach to tuition
that can inspire lecturers and students, as well as planners and architects.
Alle udgivelser af
Paul Grundei som redaktør
Negotiating Spaces 2010, ISBN 978-87-635-3675-2, hft
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