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Fischer-Hansen, Tobias
Ancient Portraiture
Image and Message
1992, 400 sider Illustrated
ISBN 978-87-7289-213-9
Acta Hyperborea, vol. 4
ISSN 0904-2067
Vejl. pris275 DKK 42 $ 37 € 33 £
Onlinepris220 DKK 34 $ 30 € 26 £
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Tobias Fischer-Hansen er mag.art. i klassisk arkæologi.
Alle udgivelser af
Tobias Fischer-Hansen som redaktør
Ancient Sicily 1995, ISBN 978-87-7289-298-6, hft
East and West Cultural Relations in the Ancient World 1988, ISBN 978-87-7289-061-6, hft
Recent Danish Research in Classical Archaeology 1991, ISBN 978-87-7289-121-7, hft
The Rediscovery of Antiquity 2003, ISBN 978-87-7289-829-2, hft
From Artemis to Diana 2009, ISBN 978-87-635-0788-2, hft
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