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Classica et Mediaevalia is an international, peer reviewed journal covering the field of the Greek and Latin languages and literature from classical antiquity until the late Middle Ages as well as the Greco-Roman history and traditions as manifested in the general history, history of law, history of philosophy and ecclesiastic history. Articles are published mainly in English, but also in French and German. Some of the many contributions to the present issue include “Wisdom, Boasting and Strength of Spirit in Xenophon’s Apology” and “Democracy and Aristocratic Identity in Fifth-Century BC Athens”.
Classica et Mediaevalia is an international, peer reviewed journal covering the field of the Greek and Latin languages and literature from classical antiquity until the late Middle Ages as well as the Greco-Roman history and traditions as manifested in the general history, history of law, history of philosophy and ecclesiastic history. Articles are published mainly in English, but also in French and German. Some of the many contributions to the present issue include “Wisdom, Boasting and Strength of Spirit in Xenophon’s Apology” and “Democracy and Aristocratic Identity in Fifth-Century BC Athens”.
Indlæg offentliggøres med navn og e-mail. Forlaget forbeholder sig ret til at redigere og udelade indlæg.Kunder, som har købt denne titel, købte også