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Stewart, Jon
Sibbern's Remarks and Investigations Primarily Concerning Hegel's Philosophy
2018, 454 sider15×23,5 cm.
ISBN 978-87-635-4598-3
Texts From Golden Age Denmark, vol. 7
ISSN 1903-3346
Vejl. pris350 DKK 54 $ 47 € 42 £
Onlinepris280 DKK 43 $ 38 € 34 £
Black December-pris175 DKK 27 $ 24 € 21 £
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One of Denmark's greatest philosophers during its greatest philosophical period, Frederik Christian Sibbern, was a major figure in the landscape of the Danish Golden Age. Profoundly influenced by German philosophy, he was personally acquainted with figures such as Fichte, Schleiermacher, Goethe and Schelling.
Sibbern had long been interested in the philosophy of G.W.F. Hegel but had never written any extended analysis of it. When Johan Ludvig Heiberg unveiled his new philosophical journal Perseus in 1837 as part of his Hegelian campaign, he provided Sibbern with the occasion that he had been waiting for. In a series of eight installments in the journal, Maanedsskrift for Litteratur, Sibbern published an extensive critical account of Hegel's philosophy under the guise of a review of the first volume of Heiberg's Perseus. In the fall of 1838 he collected the first four installments of this review and published them as an independent monograph entitled Remarks and Investigations Primarily Concerning Hegel's Philosophy. This work represents arguably the most exhaustive, detailed and profound analysis of Hegel's philosophy ever to appear in the Danish language, anticipating many aspects of Kierkegaard's famous criticism.
Jon Stewart, ph.d., dr.habil., dr.theol. og dr.phil., er forsker på Det filosofiske Institut ved Videnskabernes Selskab i Bratislava, Slovakiet. Han er redaktør på serien Danish Golden Age Studies samt Texts from Golden Age Denmark.
Alle udgivelser af
Jon Stewart som redaktør
Tänkarens mångfald 2005, ISBN 978-87-635-0379-2, indb
Johan Ludvig Heiberg 2008, ISBN 978-87-635-1096-7, indb
Heiberg's Contingency Regarded from the Point of View of Logic and Other Texts 2008, ISBN 978-87-635-1099-8, indb
Mynster's "Rationalism, Supernaturalism" and the Debate about Mediation 2009, ISBN 978-87-635-3096-5, indb
Heiberg's On the Significance of Philosophy for the present Age and Other Texts 2005, ISBN 978-87-635-3084-2, indb
Heiberg's Introductory Lecture to the Logic Course and Other Texts 2009, ISBN 978-87-635-3085-9, indb
Jon Stewart som forfatter
Heiberg's Speculative Logic and Other Texts 2006, ISBN 978-87-635-3091-0, indb
A History of Hegelianism in Golden Age Denmark 2007, ISBN 978-87-635-3086-6, indb
A History of Hegelianism in Golden Age Denmark 2007, ISBN 978-87-635-3101-6, indb
Hans Lassen Martensen 2012, ISBN 978-87-635-3169-6, indb
Heiberg's Perseus and Other Texts 2011, ISBN 978-87-635-3170-2, indb
The Heibergs and the Theater 2013, ISBN 978-87-635-3897-8, indb
The Cultural Crisis of the Danish Golden Age 2015, ISBN 978-87-635-4269-2, indb
Magnús Eiríksson 2017, ISBN 978-87-635-4390-3, indb
Faust, Romantic Irony, and System 2019, ISBN 978-87-635-4642-3, indb
The Crisis of the Danish Golden Age and Its Modern Resonance 2020, ISBN 978-87-635-4670-6, indb
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