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Hamm, Oliver G. & Olaf Bartels IBA Hamburg (red.)
IBA Hamburg
Projekte und Konzepte / Projects and Concepts
Katalog zur Zwischenpräsentation 2010 / Catalogue for the Interim Presentation 2010
2010, 271 sider Rigt illustreret
ISBN 978-87-635-3578-6
Vejl. pris150 DKK 23 $ 20 € 18 £
Onlinepris120 DKK 18 $ 16 € 14 £
Black December-pris75 DKK 11 $ 10 € 9 £
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I kommission for
Jovis Verlag
In the summer half year of 2010, the Internationale Bauausstellung (International Building Exhibition) IBA Hamburg is organising a major interim presentation of its plans, publicising projects and making it possible to explore construction sites for the first time. The book presents responses to important issues of the future, which the IBA Hamburg has chosen as its key themes: Cosmopolis - the question of coexistence in our increasingly international urban societies; Metrozones - access to conceivable new urban spaces; and the City and Climate Change - the question of sustainable solutions that combine the growth of cities and a conservational approach to our resources. This detailed, vividly illustrated publication examines the background for each project location, presenting the tasks faced as well as the projected solutions of the IBA.
Alle udgivelser af
IBA Hamburg som redaktør
Metropole: Reflexionen/ Metropolis: Reflections vol. 1 2008, ISBN 978-87-635-0891-9, hft
Metropole: Ressourcen/ Metropolis: Resources vol. 2 2009, ISBN 978-87-635-2802-3, hft
Metropole: Bilden / Metropolis: Education 2009, ISBN 978-87-635-3274-7, hft
Metropole: Metrozonen / Metropolis: Metrozones 2010, ISBN 978-87-635-3577-9, hft
Wasseratlas 2008, ISBN 978-87-635-3082-8, hft
Energy Atlas 2010, ISBN 978-87-635-3678-3, hft
Metropolis 5: Cosmopolis 2011, ISBN 978-87-635-3922-7, hft
Metropole 6: Zivilgesellschaft / Metropolis 6: Civil Society 2012, ISBN 978-87-635-4083-4, hft
Metropolis 7 2013, ISBN 978-87-635-3314-0, hft
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