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Loth, Agnete
Late Medieval Icelandic Romances I
Victors saga ok Blávus, Valdimars saga, Ectors saga
1962, 191 sider
ISBN 978-87-635-3325-6
Editiones Arnamagnæanæ, Series B, vol. 20
ISSN 0070-9077
Vejl. pris130 DKK 20 $ 18 € 16 £
Onlinepris104 DKK 16 $ 14 € 12 £
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I kommission for
Den Arnamagnæanske Kommission
The late medieval Icelandic romances were popular reading in Iceland right down to the beginning of this century, and are consequently found in a very large number of manuscripts, the great majority of which are late paper copies. The extent of the manuscript material makes a critical edition af each individual one of these sagas a complicated and extremely lang piece of work. So far only a very few exist in scholarly editions. The remainder are either unedited or printed in Iceland in popular editions, long since out of print, and almost always based on late, secondary manuscripts.
The present series, which has been given the title Late Medieval Icelandic Romances, is intended to provide a long-needed provisional basis for the study of this hitherto despised, but by no means uninteresting genre - a genre which has had the misfortune to be judged nearly always in comparison with the classical literature, and as a result been weighed and found wanting.
Alle udgivelser af
Agnete Loth som redaktør
Late Medieval Icelandic Romances IV 1964, ISBN 978-87-635-3324-9, hft
Agnete Loth som forfatter
Membrana Regia Deperdita 1960, ISBN 978-87-635-3353-9, hft
Agnete Loth som udgiver
Reykjahólabók 1969, ISBN 978-87-635-3346-1, hft
Reykjahólabók 1970, ISBN 978-87-635-3345-4, hft
Late Medieval Icelandic Romances II 1963, ISBN 978-87-635-3901-2, hft
Late Medieval Icelandic Romances III 1963, ISBN 978-87-635-3902-9, hft
Late Medieval Icelandic Romances V 1965, ISBN 978-87-635-3903-6, hft
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