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Daniëls, Fred J. A.
Vegetation of the Angmagssalik district, Southeast Greenland, IV. Shrub, dwarf shrub and terricolous lichens

1982, 78 sider
19 x 26,5 cm
ISBN 978-87-635-1147-6
Serie: Monographs on Greenland | Meddelelser om Grønland, vol. 225
ISSN 0025-6676
Serie: Bioscience, vol. 10
ISSN 0106-1054

Vejl. pris124 DKK  19 $  17 €  15 £
Onlinepris99 DKK  15 $  13 €  12 £

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This paper deals with part of the results of the Dutch phytosociological expedition in 1968 and 1969 to the Angmagssalik District, Southeast Greenland. Shrub, dwarf shrub and terricolous lichen vegetation is treated here. The general part contains a description of the Angmagssalik District with emphasis on the applied methods.

The vegetation has been studied according to concepts of the French-Swiss School. The typology is based on about 250 records. The procedure of differentiation and classification of plant communities is discussed. The term "decisive" differential taxon is introduced and defined. The association concept is considered from a regional point of view. The plant communities are arranged in a floristic hierarchic system.

Concerning habitat factors, the altitude a.s.l., slope and wind direction were measured. Other factors were roughly estimated. The soil types are indicated. The following part contains a discussion of the vegetation units, with their floristic composition and physiognomy, habitat and distribution, and syntaxonomic position. This includes 24 vegetation units, 1 complex of communities, 11 communities and 12 associations. These are designed to the classes Oxycocco-Sphagnetea, Scheuchzerio-Caricetea, Betulo-Adenostyletea, Loiseleurio-Vaccinietea, Carici-Kobresietea, Salicetea herbaceae and Juncetea trifidi. Eight new associations and 1 new alliance are presented. Some syntaxa have been revised or validated.

The classification by Molenaar (1976) of mire vegetation and chionophytic herb communities is discussed and a new classification is proposed. Dwarf shrub vegetation with Empetrum hermaphroditum and/or Vaccinium microphyllum on acid, mainly mineral soil is extremely varied in composition and physiognomy and is considered a zonal formation, which largely determines the aspect of the region. The Empetrum-Vaccinium community is the climax vegetation of the district.

The greater part of the communities and association can be assigned to alliances described from Scandinavia, and the phytosociological relationship with that region is emphasized. Only the Dryadion integrifoliae and the Cladonio-Viscarion all. nov. are not known from Scandinavia. The vegetation of the Angmagssalik District has its own character, as shown on the association level by the Sphagno-Salicetum, thee Thododendro-Vaccinietum, the Gymnomitrio-Loiseleurietum, the Carici-Dryadetum and the Cladonio-Viscarietum (all new), which are actually restricted to the area. The other 7 associations are also found at the southern and western coasts of Greenland. most vegetation types (associations and communities) have a lowarctic-oceanic distribution. A few types are also found in Iceland and Scandinavia.

Emneområde | Arktiske studier |
Emneord | Botanik | Vegetation |
Specifikt emneord | Dværgkrat | Krat | Laver | Lichener | Plantesociologi |
Verdensdel m.v. | Grønland |
Sprog | Engelsk |


Pressen skrev

Alle udgivelser af

Fred J. A. Daniëls som forfatter

Vegetation and Altitudinal Zonation in Continental West Greenland
2006, ISBN 978-87-635-1275-6, hft
Vegetation and Altitudinal Zonation in Continental West Greenland
2006, ISBN 978-87-635-1275-6, hft
Vegetation and Altitudinal Zonation in Continental West Greenland
2006, ISBN 978-87-635-3055-2, e-publikation
Vegetation and Altitudinal Zonation in Continental West Greenland
2006, ISBN 978-87-635-3055-2, e-publikation

Museum Tusculanums ForlagRådhusvej 192920 Charlottenlund
Tlf. 3234
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