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Skovgaard-Petersen, Karen
Historiography at the Court of Christian IV
Studies in the Latin Histories of Denmark by Johannes Pontanus and Johannes Meursius
2007, 454 sider Illustreret
ISBN 978-87-635-0614-4
Renæssancestudier, vol. 11
ISSN 0902-9907
Vejl. pris237 DKK 36 $ 32 € 28 £
Onlinepris237 DKK 36 $ 32 € 28 £
Black December-pris118 DKK 18 $ 16 € 14 £
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I kommission for
Forum for Renæssancestudier
Throughout his reign, Christian IV (1588-1648) distinguished himself as a
remarkable patron of the arts and sciences. One of the projects to which he
and his chancellor paid most attention was the promotion of an up-to-date
account of Danish history in Latin. Considerable resources were spent on the
project. As a result no less than two histories of Denmark appeared in the
1630s, the Rerum Danicarum historia by Johannes Pontanus and the
Historia Danica by Johannes Meursius. They were to serve as standard
works on Danish history for European politicians, diplomats and
Historiography at the Court of Christian IV presents a comparative
study of the two histories. The interplay between the authors and the Danish
government is a central theme. Important political issues, such as Denmark's
relations to Sweden and the quasi-hereditary nature of the Danish monarchy,
are shown to be reflected in both works. Their relation to contemporary
trends in European historiography is explored, and it is argued that they
are surprisingly different, in style as well as in subject matter.
In modern scholarship, the official national historiography has been a
neglected area of the cultural programme of Christian IV. In
Historiography at the Court of Christian IV, Skovgaard-Petersen
demonstrates that these monumental national histories deserve a more
prominent place within Danish intellectual history than they have hitherto
been given.
Karen Skovgaard-Petersen er seniorforsker på Det Kongelige Bibliotek i København. Hun har bl.a. skrevet A Journey to the Promised Land: Crusading Theology in the Historia de profectione Danorum in Hierosolymam.
Alle udgivelser af
Karen Skovgaard-Petersen som forfatter
A Journey to the Promised Land 2002, ISBN 978-87-7289-714-1, hft
Historiography at the Court of Christian IV 2002, ISBN 978-87-7289-703-5, indb
Karen Skovgaard-Petersen som redaktør
Olavslegenden og den latinske historieskrivning i 1100-tallets Norge 2000, ISBN 978-87-7289-616-8, hft
Friendship and Poetry 2004, ISBN 978-87-7289-961-9, hft
200 Skatte i Det Kongelige Bibliotek / 200 Treasures in The Royal Library 2004, ISBN 978-87-635-0001-2, cd rom
A Journey to the Promised Land 2006, ISBN 978-87-635-0606-9, e-publikation
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