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Monumenta Musicae Byzantinae

Founded in 1931 by Carsten Høeg, H.J.W. Tillyard
Editor-in-Chief John Bersagel

ISSN 0105-3566


The series Monumenta Musicae Byzantinae (MMB) has as its aim to make generally available the musical traditions of the Byzantine era, which, in spite of their importance for the study of early music history, have not been easily accessible. MMB contributes to the study of these musical traditions through the publication of facsimiles of musical manuscripts of the Byzantine Rite, together with transcriptions and studies of the notations, history, types and theory of its music. MMB was adopted as a project of the Union Académique Internationale in 1933 and is under the administration of The Royal Danish Academy of Sciences and Arts.

Editorial Board:
John Bergsagel, Director (University of Copenhagen), Francesco d’Aiuto (Università di Roma Tor Vergata), Sysse Gudrun Engberg (University of Copenhagen), Christian Hannick (Julius-Maximilians-Universität, Würzburg), Nicolas Bell (Cambridge), Christian Thodberg (Aarhus University) and Gerda Wolfram (Vienna).