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Löfgren, Orvar & Regina F. Bendix
Ethnologia Europaea vol. 38:2

2008, 83 sider, e-publikation
ISBN 978-87-635-3015-6
Tidsskrift: Ethnologia Europaea
ISSN 1604-3030
Vejl. pris120 DKK  18 $  16 €  14 £
Onlinepris120 DKK  18 $  16 €  14 £

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Fås også som trykt tidsskrift

Identity politics have been a focus of academic research over the last years, but they have also entered public and popular discourses and thus continue to fuel changing intellectual perspectives as much as everyday life. The present issue of Ethnologia Europaea assembles a number of papers that examine identity work in different settings.

What are the lasting assets and the changing risks of this concept, in both social life and ethnological analysis? Søren Christensen discusses ways in which the global and the national are linked in Danish politics and in the nation-branding of Danishness as a global export commodity.

Rob van Ginkel looks at the identity politics of folk dancing and debates of authenticity versus cosmopolitanism in the Netherlands since the Second World War.

Sofi Gerber follows how East and West have been renegotiated in Germany after 1989. The changing stereotypical polarizations, in which the question of ‘the authentic’ becomes a weapon, show – in a different time and place – similarities to the battle over folk dancing.

Kira Kosnick takes the question of identity politics to a club scene in Berlin. She discusses the ways in which identity labeling of minorities may produce a very one-dimensional understanding of the workings of urban social life.

The politics of ageing is the theme for Lars-Eric Jönsson’s contribution. How were labels of old age or childishness handled in psychiatric institutions of the nineteenth and the twentieth centuries?

Upcoming issues for 2009:
The first issue will center around the ‘sense of community’. How might the community study approach be rejuvenated as scholars try to tackle the ways in which the modern state and its welfare policies materialize in local settings?

The second issue addresses questions of cultural property, as a vital concern for actors concerned with the political, economic as well as ethical dimensions of turning culture into a resource.

Emneområde | Antropologi og etnologi |
Emneord | Globalisering |
Specifikt emneord | Alder | Etnicitet | Migration | Postkommunisme | Psykiatri | Seksualitet |
Land | Danmark | Holland | Sverige | Tyskland |
By m.v. | Berlin |
Periode | 20. årh. | 21. årh. |
Sprog | Engelsk |



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