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Altner, Marvin, Francine Eggs & Andreas Bitschin
U-Bahnhof Bundestag Berlin 2016 | Europa

2016, 112 sider
45 ill.
15×21 cm.

ISBN 978-87-635-4537-2

Vejl. pris140 DKK  21 $  19 €  17 £
Onlinepris112 DKK  17 $  15 €  13 £

I kommission for Jovis Verlag

The Berlin Bundestag underground station, eight meters high and with a surface area of 3,000 square meters, provides a space of architectural monumentality under the political heart of the city, between the Office of the Federal Chancellor, the Reichstag building, and the Swiss Embassy. The Swiss artist duo Francine Eggs and Andreas Bitschin conceived the exhibition project U-Bahnhof Bundestag Berlin 2016 | Europa for this central venue, opened as recently as 2009: installations, sound works, interventions, photographs, and performances by 15 Swiss and Berlin artists, presenting criticism and utopias with regard to present-day Europe, which continues to negotiate its borders and identities as geographical, historical, political, economic, or cultural units.

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