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Hofmann, Susanne
Architecture is Participation
Die Baupiloten - Methods and Projects

2014, 256 sider
ISBN 978-87-635-4309-5

Vejl. pris260 DKK  40 $  35 €  31 £
Onlinepris208 DKK  32 $  28 €  25 £

I kommission for Jovis Verlag

In our society there is an increasing demand for participation in shaping our built environment. Without civic participation, few major building projects can go ahead. Furthermore, the knowledge of the users with regard to utilization and how spaces are experienced is in fact an important tool for architects during the design process. This volume presents examples of successful participation, according to a method developed in the practice test, in which the focus is on communication about and by means of atmospheres. Realized pilot projects are supplemented by a wide range of participatory options—presented as practical guidelines that can be used for one’s own individual purposes. Therefore the book invites direct application. Architecture Is Participation is not only targeted towards architects and architectural agents, but also towards communities, administrations, and especially the users of the city and architecture.



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