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Webster, Neil & Karsten Pærregaard
The Byways of the Poor
Organizing Practices and Economic Control in the Developing World

2012, 261 sider
ISBN 978-87-635-3840-4


Vejl. pris300 DKK  46 $  40 €  36 £
Onlinepris240 DKK  37 $  32 €  29 £

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Two contrasting images typically represent “the poor” in development studies and practice. On the one hand, they are portrayed as those who do not have: deprivation is the quintessence of their identity, the definition of their being. The very notion of “poor” dooms the bearer to a subordinate, powerless status. Alternatively, they are idealistically depicted as thriving in solidarity, rich traditions, and true authentic experience - uncontaminated by capitalist ways of life and harmoniously linked to nature. An analysis of poverty requires stepping back from these stereotypical notions of the poor and examining the ways in which those identified as destitute deploy resources and act in pursuing their livelihoods.

Taking cases from Zimbabwe, Mozambique, India, Bangladesh, Peru and Mexico - and spanning diverse spheres of interaction: between donors and beneficiaries, local authorities and citizens, employers and employees, as well as between different social and ethnic groups - the contributions in this volume focus on people’s struggles to alleviate their poverty or to deal with situations of hardship and privation. They challenge traditional approaches within studies on poverty and developing countries by addressing the ways in which resources - including land, labour, credit and aid, water and cash, but also knowledge, skills, organization and moral entitlements - are accessed, deployed and negotiated. Whether successful or not, individual and collective efforts to juggle adversity help us understand the mechanisms by which poverty is reproduced, but also contested.

Karsten Pærregaard is Associate Professor of anthropology at the University of Copenhagen.

Neil Webster is Senior Researcher at the Danish Institute for International Studies.

Emneområde | Antropologi og etnologi | Samfunds­videnskaberne og politik |
Emneord | Feltarbejde | Kønsstudier | Landbrug | Økonomisk politik |
Specifikt emneord | Fattigdom | Landarbejder | Landsbyliv | Den Tredje verden | Udviklingsland | Vandforsyning |
Verdensdel m.v. | Afrika syd for Sahara | Asien | Latinamerika |
Land | Bangladesh | Indien | Mexico | Mozambique | Peru | Zimbabwe |
Periode | 20. årh. | 21. årh. |
Sprog | Engelsk |


Pressen skrev

Alle udgivelser af

Karsten Pærregaard som redaktør

2007, ISBN 978-87-635-0738-7, hft

Museum Tusculanums ForlagRådhusvej 192920 Charlottenlund
Tlf. 3234
CVR: 8876 8418

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